Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Oh the language.

Oh the language. Or should that be oooh the language?

The colonization of Cuba began 1511 (nearly 20 years after Christopher Columbus sighted it) by Diego Valazquez de Cuellar who arrived with a Spanish flotilla of four ships and 400 men and began a brutal occupation. Spanish has remained the primary language of Cuba.

I am so very glad I learnt some before coming here but it is very basic. Probably age three level! I can pick up more than I can say but I keep trying.

The education system here (and health) is excellent to University level and free. The adult literacy rate is currently 97%. Many speak multiple languages and very well too. Morning television has tuition classes for many languages including English.

So for the 2million (approximately) visitors to this island, who do not speak the language well, there is help nearby. I’m asking “hablo en poco espanol” and “hablo en inglese”? (which translates to “I speak a little Spanish” and “do you speak English”?) often.

I was writing this as I waited for my breakfast and a four piece ban just assembled and began to play. It’s just for me; I am the sole diner at this café on the edge of Plaza de Vieja. As usual the bowl rests in front of them and I know I will pay for this treat soon.

Around the perimeter of this square I see beautifully restored buildings, some in various stages of restoration, across one corner a magnificient (actually I could really over-use that word in this city) a hotel façade complete with idle yellow crane. There doesn’t appear to be any work being done on any of these buildings. From what I can remember of my friend Gav’s photos (he visited about two years ago), it looks the same.

This square was an open air market until 1835. Today, I wish it were again. It needs people. But for now I have a seat at a restaurant on the edge of a historic square to enjoy and enjoy it I did.


Anonymous said...

good to hear that you are enjoying being back on the road. MV

Janz said...

I'm loving sharing your experience Joy, it's awesome. We miss you!