Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kiama - where the sea makes a noise

Kiama - where the sea makes a noise

Since arriving to live in Sydney, one year ago last month, I've wanted to visit Kiama. The name Kiama means "where the sea makes a noise".

With another friend in town time to explore and a gorgeous sunny 30 degree day promised we set off, in the excited fashion of kids on an day excursion.

The train from Central Station heads south through Sydney suburbs, chugs slowly uphill through quiet native bush and wends its way past idyllic looking seaside communities. Two hours later we reach the pretty harbour town of Kiama hugging a volcanic coastline; its lighthouse gleaming on the hilltop.

Having left early, we were rather hungry so our first stop was to find a cafe with lovely views over the road to the harbour. Lads in this town love their vintage cars and bikes so we were treated to a steady stream of carefully restored vehicles cruising by while we munched on breakfast.

One of the key attractions here are the two blow holes where water is pushed into an underground cave through an opening in the black rocks high up into the sky. There are two blow hole vents; one small and one large and the spurt of water reminds me of the Rotorua geysers.

Kiama also has a couple of those iconic Australian swimming pools beside the open sea which are filled with sea water. I continue to be captivated by them and spent some time trying to photograph them.
It's also famous for its pelican and has made a statue of one although this photo was not taken there.

The day delivered the promised temperature but the sea breeze kept its cooling vigil so it was a very pleasant day for tourists.
Sadly, we didn't see the blow holes playing so I will have to return another time to ensure its not a myth. I will also time my next visit so I can see one of the regular markets.

1 comment:

Janz said...

I'm still loving your blog Joy. Maria and I were talking today about arranging to catch up.