Saturday, May 30, 2009

This IS the Life!

Wow….this is the life!!! I’m sitting in the cockpit writing this as we cruise along. I love it that I'm a touch typist so I can write my thoughts down whilst watching as the world goes by.

The weather is much improved since my arrival on a wet and gloomy day. After a few nights tucked up close to Port Moselle in Noumea we were able to get away to some of the bays and islands south of this polluted city.

Port Moselle is very close to the local market and so we were able to wander over there to stock up on some supplies for our time away from civilization. It was a special treat to shop “like the French” and survey the fresh goods on offer then make our selection. Although expensive the quality and taste is excellent. Some examples: a rotisserie chicken $25, two Toulouse sausages $8, five slices of bacon $13 etc. Wine is relatively cheap (thank goodness for that!) and the few bottles we bought rather nice.

However, as we are on the yacht and doing our own catering we have been able to eat (very well) for around $20 per person per day and that includes wine! The food is incredibly tasty.

Out on the water, marine life seems rather prolific. We were treated to a couple of dolphins cruising languidly near the boat, their shiny fin poking out of the water.

Pam threw some old bread into the water and two remora (see the photo) came to breakfast. These fish travel in pairs and come out from hiding whenever tasty morsels are close by. The flat section on their heads is used to cling to the underside of the boat. Freeloaders!

Yesterday I saw a turtle poke its head above the water; too far away to see the imperious look on its old face. I also saw a colourfully striped sea snake wriggle away from the boat. Friends of my hosts passed by the bay we were in and said they'd just caught two tuna off the boat.

I'm posting this via the generosity of McDonald’s where for the price of a coffee....oooh my!!, we get free internet access.

I’m loving……..being on the road again and in this very relaxed state. It’s addictive. Of course I absolutely love being on the water again and with such excellent hosts.

I’m enjoying…..the food here. The chicken was as tasty as any I’ve ever had. The patisserie a visual and taste sensation. Fresh island grown paw paw with a squeeze of lime juice is exquisite my list goes on and on but I won't bore you anymore.

I’m missing…….hmmmmmm.

I’m fascinated… how polite the French are. I love the way they greet customers when entering their domain, say merci and au reviour. It’s very nice.

Best coffee…….the market has divine local coffee. A petit cafĂ© noir is around $3.50 and the surrounding accents and demenour of the locals beguiling.